Rising BAC and fermentation issues in DWI alcohol cases | 9-9:50
This session will help you understand that the blood alcohol curve is critical in defending DWI cases.
Takeaways include:
Speaker: Benjamin S. Faber, Faber Law Firm, Columbia
Attacking the breath test: One sample vs. two samples | 9:50-10:40 a.m.
Don't be worried about changing from a one sample breath to a two sample breath test state.
Your challenges to evidentiary testing can remain the same, but there are extra nuggets to use when there are two samples when you know what to look for. We'll have a lecture, some forms and even some examples to show you how to make the science work for you regardless of which breath testing device is used in your jurisdiction.
Speaker: Virginia L. Landry, Law Offices of Virginia L. Landry, Inc., Aliso Viejo, CA
Opinions and positions stated by presenters of MoBarCLE programs are those of the presenters and not necessarily those of The Missouri Bar. This program is intended as information for lawyers in Missouri, in conjunction with other research they deem necessary, in the exercise of their independent judgment.