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2023 1031 Like-Kind Exchanges in Trust & Estate Planning

Total Credits: 1.2 Self Study

Practice Area:
Real Property |  Tax
Audio and Video


Recording available after original program date, 1/19/2023

For clients with significant real estate portfolios in their estates, Section 1031 like-kind exchanges can be a very effective tool for deferring gain. Recent tax legislation has scrambled familiar tax, economic, and practical considerations for making a like-kind exchange, in some circumstances making these techniques more attractive than before, but in others (incoming producing property) less attractive.  There are also substantial real estate law traps in like-kind exchanges.  This program will provide you with a practitioner’s guide to using new like-kind exchange rules in trust and estate planning.  

•    Trust and estate planning opportunities using Section 1031 like-kind exchanges
•    How the 2017 tax law changed conventional considerations of using like-kind exchanges
•    Review of major non-estate tax issues for estate planners when using like-kind exchanges
•    Circumstances when it no long makes sense to use like-kind exchanges for income-producing party
•    Real estate traps when using like-kind exchanges in trust planning

Note: This material qualifies for self-study credit only. Pursuant to Regulation 15.04.5, a lawyer may receive up to six hours of self-study credit in a reporting year. Self-study programs do not qualify for ethics, elimination of bias or Kansas credit.


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