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2025 Pre-litigation investigations

Total Credits: 1.1 Self Study

Practice Area:
Litigation / Trial Practice |  New Attorney
Audio and Video


Recording available after the original program date, 3/28/2025

Sponsored by MoBarCLE and The Missouri Bar Young Lawyers' Section 

Factual investigation is a core legal competency. Determining the 'how' 'when' and 'who' of an investigation is a complex litigation decision. "Pre-litigation investigations" provides an overview of what lawyers should consider investigating prior to filing suit or taking a case. 

This presentation will cover steps to take to set your client and case up for success when first receiving a potential claim, including saving evidence, securing witness information, determining expert needs, and defining a strategy early.

Learning objectives include:

  • How to ensure evidence is preserved and examined.
  • How to determine your case strategy early.
  • How to collect witness information and use tools available to you pre-litigation.
  • How to determine what experts you need and what information they need early.

Speaker: Erin Salfen, Gordon, Rees, Scully, Mansukhani, LLP, St. Louis

Self-study products do not qualify for bundle pricing.

Opinions and positions stated by presenters of MoBarCLE programs are those of the presenters and not necessarily those of The Missouri Bar. This program is intended as information for lawyers in Missouri, in conjunction with other research they deem necessary, in the exercise of their independent judgment.

Note: This material qualifies for self-study credit only. Pursuant to Regulation 15.04.5, a lawyer may receive up to six hours of self-study credit in a reporting year. Self-study programs do not qualify for GAL Certification, ethics, elimination of bias or Kansas credit.


Erin Salfen's Profile

Erin Salfen Related Seminars and Products

Rees, Scully, Mansukhani, LLP

Erin Salfen is an experienced litigator in the St. Louis office, representing clients in healthcare, privacy, employment, products liability, transportation, malpractice, insurance coverage, construction, real estate, class actions, and other commercial litigation. She has won pre-trial dismissals and verdicts for her clients at trial, and successfully represented them in mediation, arbitration, and administrative proceedings.

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