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Civil Commitment Under the Mental Health, Substance Abuse and Sexually Violent Predator Laws Guidebook


This Guidebook details how an individual may be involuntarily committed to a mental health facility or alcohol or drug treatment facility, the individual’s rights, and the process involved. It also examines the civil commitment laws and procedures under the sexually violent predator act.  Daniel P. Wheeler, former Probate Commissioner for Jackson County, explains the standards and process for 96-hour, 21-day, 90-day, 180-day, and 1-year commitments and sets out the standards and conditions for releasing patients, files, records, and transcripts. The book also discusses the parameters for release of liability of public officials and petitioners.

2011 (64 pages)

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1   |   Introduction

2   |   Application for Initial 96-Hour Detention Under the Mental Health Law

3   |   Petition for 21-Day Detention

4   |   Petition for 90-Day and 1-Year Detentions

5   |   Outpatient Commitment

6   |   Release of Patients

7   |   Release of Files, Records, and Transcripts

8   |   Exemptions From Liability

9   |   Involuntary Detention of Alcohol and Drug Abusers

10 |    Sexually Violent Predators

11 |    Conclusion