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Coffee & Core Concepts: Obtaining a Patent - 2018

Total Credits: 1.2 Self Study

Practice Area:
General Practice
Audio and Video


MoBarCLE presents Coffee & Core Concepts – an early morning telephone series that will provide need-to-know information regarding basic legal concepts. Our experienced presenters deliver how-to instructions, recent developments, and practical tips in convenient, one-hour seminars.

Patents can be one of the most valuable pieces of property a client will ever own. However, the process for obtaining them can be labyrinthine and rife with dangers for those who don’t know what to watch out for. Patent laws also presume that anyone involved with an invention completely understands the process and requirements. This seminar will help a practitioner to identify when patent protection needs to be discussed and provide a general overview of the patent process so a non-patent attorney can obtain a high level understanding of what to look out for and how to advise a client about the general patent process.

* What is a patent and a patent application?

* What is an invention in the eyes of patent law?

* Things not to do before a discussion about patenting

* How does the process of obtaining a patent occur

* A brief overview of patenting outside the United States

Speaker: Kirk A. Damman, Lewis Rice LLC, St. Louis

Moderator: Morgan C. Murphy, Zevan Davidson Roman LLC, St. Louis


Note: This program was originally produced as a webinar and is available on demand in streaming audio with streaming video PowerPoint. This material qualifies for self-study credit only. Pursuant to Regulation 15.04.5, a lawyer may receive up to six hours of self-study credit in a reporting year. Self-study programs do not qualify for ethics or elimination of bias credit.


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