Examine simple statutory procedures that are available to avoid the time and expense of a full probate administration, including:
- Refusal of letters to a creditor
- Refusal of letters to a surviving spouse and minor or dependent children
- Termination of administration
- Small-estate procedures
- Determination of heirship
Probate Shortcuts—Dispensing With or Terminating Administration originally appeared as a chapter in the MoBarCLE Deskbook, Missouri Estate Administration.
2nd Ed. 2018 (28 pages)
MoBar Price $50 | eGuidebook PDF Download
1 | Introduction
2 | Establishing the Fact of Death of Record
3 | Refusal of Letters to Surviving Spouse and Minor, or Dependent Children
4 | Refusal of Letters to Creditor
5 | Termination of Administration
6 | Small-Estate Procedures
7 | Determination of Heirship
8 | Perfecting Title When No Administration
9 | Dispensing with Administration -- Nonresident Decedents