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Mary Beth O'Connor

Mary Beth has been sober since 1994. Her story is chronicled in her memoir From Junkie to Judge: One Woman’s Triumph Over Trauma and Addiction. She’s had essays in such publications as The Wall Street Journal and Recovery Today.
Mary Beth is a Director for She Recovers Foundation and LifeRing Secular Recovery. She regularly speaks on behalf of these organizations and about multiple and secular paths to recovery. She develops relationships with other organizations, such as Women for Sobriety. And Mary Beth trains attorneys and medical professionals about substance use disorder and recovery. 
In recovery, Mary Beth attended Berkeley Law. In 2014 she was appointed a federal Administrative Law Judge, from which position she retired early in 2020.


Product Type

2024 29th Annual Missouri Lawyers' Assistance Program Conference - Virtual

Total Credits: 6.9 MCLE, 6.9 Ethics, 6.5 Kansas Ethics

Practice Area:
Ethics |  Lawyer Well-being
Raven Ballard |  David Crawford |  Mary Beth O'Connor |  Michael Reed |  Timothy Roldan |  Paige Sparks |  Samantha Sparks |  Laurel Stevenson
7 Hours 5 Minutes
Audio and Video
$54.00 - Registration

Mon, Apr 21, 2025 - 08:30am to 03:35pm CDT

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