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2024 3-hour Guardian ad Litem training

Total Credits: 3.3 MCLE, 1.4 Ethics, 3.3 GAL Credit, 3.0 Kansas Credit, 0.0 Kansas Ethics

Practice Area:
Family |  GAL |  Juvenile
Audio and Video



Originally presented at our 2023 Annual Family Law Conference, 8/3-5/2023

9:00-9:51 a.m. | Effective orders for mental health interventions in parenting plans 
Speakers: Simone A. Haberstock, The Law Offices of Simone A. Haberstock LLC, St. Louis; Kevin J. Chafin, Kevin Chafin LPC Inc., Kansas City

9:51-9:56 a.m. | Break

9:56-10:43 a.m. | Hearsay evidence and children's statements, wishes, abuse/neglect
In this session, we will discuss the definition of hearsay, exceptions, and when these exceptions are applicable.
Speaker: Allison Clyne Tschannen, Kranitz, Sadoun & Carpenter, PC, St. Joseph

10:43-10:48 a.m.| Break

10:48-11:57 a.m. | Children navigating divorce 
This presentation will feature "Tommy the Movie" a 2019 short-length feature film about a young boy whose parents are ensnared in a bitter custody battle. The speaker will discuss the responsibilities and opportunities - whether parents' attorneys, GALs, or Judicial Officers - for helping children through their parents' divorce. This plenary will include discussion on the responsibility of all attorneys in the family law system to understand how children respond to divorce; how an attorney's duty of diligence and competence never requires that the interests of a child be used as leverage for advantage in litigation; and the role of all attorneys in the legal system requiring divorcing parents be educated about the impact of divorce on children.
Speaker: Barbara A. Glesner Fines, Dean, University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law, Kansas City

11:57 a.m. | Adjourn

Opinions and positions stated by presenters of MoBarCLE programs are those of the presenters and not necessarily those of The Missouri Bar. This program is intended as information for lawyers in Missouri, in conjunction with other research they deem necessary, in the exercise of their independent judgment.



Kevin Chafin's Profile

Kevin Chafin Related Seminars and Products

Kevin Chafin LPC Inc

Kevin Chafin is a Licensed Professional Counselor with more than 20 years experience with the Family and Domestic Court systems and the Missouri Children’s Division. He provides mediation and counseling services and has done so for more than 15 years and specializes in individual adults, adolescents, and children; co-parenting counseling; mediation and reunification counseling. Kevin has a Masters in Counseling degree from Webster University in Kansas City. Before becoming a counselor, he worked as a child abuse/neglect investigator for the Missouri Children’s Division, legal assistant to the attorneys at Family Court in Kansas City, and non-profit program director. 

Prof. Barbara Glesner Fines's Profile

Prof. Barbara Glesner Fines Related Seminars and Products

University of MO-Kansas City School of Law

Barbara Glesner Fines is the Rubey M. Hulen Professor of Law and Dean Emerita of the University of Missouri - Kansas City School of Law, where she has been a member of the faculty since 1986.  She served as Executive Associate Dean from 2008 to 2016 and as Dean from 2017 to 2023. Glesner Fines received her master of law degree from Yale University and her J.D. (cum laude) from the University of Wisconsin Law School.

Professor Glesner Fines is an expert on professional ethics, legal education and the professional identity formation of law students. She has authored numerous articles and books on these subjects and is a fellow in the Holloran Center for Ethical Leadership. She has created several innovative programs at the School of Law.  She helped to found the UMKC School of Law Child and Family Law Program, which is currently ranked as one of the top four programs of its kind in the United States.  She is also one of the founding faculty members of the School of Law’s Center for Law, Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

Glesner Fines currently teaches Professional Responsibility, Client Interviewing, and Family Violence.  She also directs the Self-Help Legal Clinic.  Students in the clinic provide instruction, referral, brief advice, and limited scope representation to self-represented litigants in a variety of subject areas.  Students learn technology skills to build self-help resources and community education skills in pro se classes. 

Simone Haberstock's Profile

Simone Haberstock Related Seminars and Products

The Law Offices of Simone A. Haberstock, LLC

Simone Haberstock  has been a family law attorney for 30 years and a mediator for 20 years.  She acquired a Masters of Law in Dispute Resolution from University of Missouri School of Law in 2013 where she did IRB approved research on a mediation-arbitration process. Since graduating, she has founded a non-profit mediation service, Confluence Missouri, Inc.; served on the Mediation and Parenting Coordination Oversight Committee in St. Louis County Circuit Court; and worked on a number of court-connected ADR and problem-solving court projects across the state. She recently completed an interview research project of Missouri litigants who used mandatory mediation and has assisted in  the production of two videos for the public on ADR processes. She has mediated over 400 cases including family, small business, employment, landlord-tenant, and small claims matters. Ms. Haberstock has spoken and presented on  a variety mediation and ADR topics, including the decision- making process, at both national and statewide conferences. She also served on the Board of Governors for the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis for 10 years and is the immediate past-president of the Missouri Chapter of Association of Family and Conciliation Courts.


Thu, Oct 17, 2024 - 09:00am to 11:57am CDT
Fri, Nov 08, 2024 - 09:00am to 11:57am CST
Thu, Dec 12, 2024 - 09:00am to 11:57am CST

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